Sadie Blair


In Valley, we call them “Fencers”. Fencers are sitting on the fence, not sure if they want to do things on camera for the world to see. A lot of Fencers are exactly like Sadie Blair: wanna-be models. They wanna be on the runway. They wanna clothes for large corporate entities. They wanna be underwear models for print catalogues. You get the idea. But as their dreams fade — and their bills grow — like Sadie Blair start to lurk the darker places online, looking for any sort of modeling they can find. This is how almost all come to Valley, and sure enough, today, and unknowingly, Sadie has reached out to a “modeling agency” that specializes in finding for . But you can't start a business meeting that kind of info! Isiah's got a slick pitch. He promises lots of income, enough to not only pay bills — but get ahead. Way ahead. And, eventually, Sadie learns all it takes is a , sucking and , and a big, . And, perhaps, a thick load the — for a big .

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