Megan Vaughn


The union between man and wife is to be sacred and never taken for granted. For a marriage to both involved must not keep secrets or else it risks crumbling like a man's credit report. As the leader of the Cumbang I've grown accustomed to and want to make an honest out of Meagan Vaugn. She's the kind of I can take back home to visit at the trailer park. However, a marriage can't start on lies so I broke the news to her about our secret society. I knew asking her to marry me was the right choice when her eyes lit up like the neon sign at KFC. I gathered up the troops, had Meagan wear what she was going to surprise me on our honeymoon , and we'd soon be dining on my fiance like a pack of hyenas. The looks on the faces of my rednecks were priceless as she had each of their rammed her . I knew we'd have a life together when I saw her bending and giving up the for a bunch of horned up pecker woods. The gleam in her eye said it all and I signaled my brothers in arms that it was ok to attack her like Fort Sumter. Pictures of her glazed now take up space our fireplace.

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