Arie Faye


Arie Faye is on her way to a date. Her man, Malik, is taking her to dinner and a movie. Before she gets to Malik, there's stop to make: call! Arie and Malik haven't been having …for a while. And then they did, Arie was disappointed. “They say all men are well-endowed, but I'm here to tell you that ain't true!”, Arie tells all her girlfriends. “It's dick for me!” And Arie's booty call is a handsome who's packing serious meat! It's so serious, Arie's going to rick being late for Malik just to get some of that D! Only problem: her might be catching feels, and that's no ; in fact, he's ask Arie to leave simply because he wants Arie to himself. Arie knows how to get what she wants, and it doesn't take long to make weak and get her dick . He pounds the shit out of Arie a half hour before she's got to be at Malik's, and with the -sized she just swallowed (“I can't let you mess up my ! It'll ruin my make-up!!”), Arie hopes her breath doesn't smell like jizz when she plants a kiss on Malik's lips!!!

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