Kenzie Taylor


Kenzie Taylor is a depressed whose ran off a younger . She confides in her , a priest that she wonders if she's still attractive and desirable. Isiah and her used to bang before he became a priest and he assures her that she's still as as and to prove it he suggests they pray together to help her get her confidence back. She gets on her knees in front of him and he opens up the bible to pray. She doesn't see that he puts his it and when she says “Give me a sign!!!” and closes her eyes to pray he removes the bible and sticks his right in her . She's immediately turned on and says “look it worked I have my confidence back!” He agrees, but suggests just to make sure they should do everything they can think of for old times sake. ensues lots of and ass to and after the pop she says “You're totally right about that, all you need to do is your eyes and think positive and you can have as many orgasms as you want, lets go back to your house and practice more!!!”

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