Ashli Orion


When she's not hitting the books she's hitting rap concerts looking for her next feast. Lucky for her we're about to have her dine at the World Famous Interracial Diner. Unlike people that lived in the South during the 50's and 60's there won't be any segregation over here. Her dropped once she got a look at what she would be dealing . She was about to be up for sacrifice much in the same manner as myself and my brothers have been constantly mistreated. Like the slave masters years ago we would be the ones in charge of this debacle. She couldn't have been happier to go back to while her knees got as as us. The pool of saliva gathering on the floor damn near the slip as she was as happy as a pig in shit. Don't be jealous of us, you . It's gotta be a lot more comfortable caring around those dicks in your pants.

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