Ryan Riesling


Meet the Rieslings — Ryan and Damien. They're the happiest in the world. How so? Ryan's a -born, -lovin' …which has always been Damien idea of a dream . Damien learned about who loved men way back in high , when he his cheerleader girlfriend banging the center of the basketball team. They called him Slim, and when Damien walked into her bedroom unannounced sunny afternoon and the pair banging away, and he saw Slim's enormous and the pleasure it brought his girlfriend, he didn't get mad. He simply accepted it. Now, later, he wears his chastity device proudly and knows when Ryan is “in session” her “personal trainer”, well…all he really wants to do is . And maybe clean up. If he's lucky. Today, he's a lucky cuck. Look! The Bull even got jizz on Ryan's wedding ring! Clean-up on aisle Ryan!

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