Callie Cobra


Callie Cobra's has been mentally castrated. Callie never stops informing her where his bread is buttered and her wish is his every command. toes? No problem. Wear a male chastity belt while being ridiculed? Where does he sign up? Callie's going to take it up a level by Rico Strong come over and make her feel like a . Callie's cuckold of a eventually has enough and provokes Rico into laying him out. Nothing can stop the interracial sex continuing as Callie sucks on Rico's big, while her sad sack of shit is in dreamland. Despite his unconsciousness Callie seizes the moment to get her fill of . Callie rides Rico's firehouse pole until his balls are massaging her neglected . Callie's cunt continues to get ravaged by her until you can nearly see smoke coming her snatch. Rico slams her behind as her screams must be incorporating themselves into her boyfriends dreams. Rico's balls finally explode inside Callie as her wakes up to the aftermath and cleans her up.

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