Moka Mora


Moka Mora tutors for the local …specifically the athletic program. You know what a handful it is keeping the jocks eligible and on the field! Since most of the athletes are enrolled in B.A. programs, they need to learn a second language, and that's where Moka is valuable. Moka hails Spain, so yea…she's the Spanish tutor. Do I need to tell you the don't care about learning a second language? All they care about is getting Moka's red dross off so they can run a train on her. And run that train they do! All five jocks take turns hitting that , and when they're not hitting the , they're fucking her , eager ! Finally, they do what all love doing most: filling up Moka's cunt their hot, sticky loads. Three of them cream her right in a row! Her cunt and legs are so messy, the last two jocks is all her and in her . Moka what she can, but honestly…there's so much! And just when she thought they were done, one of the jocks blows another big ! What's Moka to do but schedule another tutoring session next week!

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