Megyn Gets Trumped


Unless you've been living on another planet since last week's GOP debate, then you'll know all about “The Donald” and the debate's moderator, “Megyn”. Gotta Donald, shit talkin' women like it's going out of , and when Megyn calls him out on the bad behavior, Donald does his to look on camera. What no saw is what you're about to see: post-debate, in the green , a furious Megyn is waiting to confront Donald on last . What she doesn't know is Donald's about to prove himself right — are being sluts on their knees — and he's bringing out the Kryptonite in the form of bulls, and aroused. You'll be surprised how fast Donald wins another debate, and how fast Megyn is stretched . Cum-filled . Put another notch in the win column for “The Donald.”

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