Amatuer Cindee


It doesn't happen often, but every once in a while we get a request an amatuer BCS that is so overcome lust for the , that she gets the courage up to ask us if she could do a . Cindee is of those brave souls. Cindee actually did a gloryhole for us recently, but once she had a taste of the magic, she had to have the whole loaf! She begged us for a ! She requested an odd number of dicks, we suggested three, but she wasn't sure if she would do this again, so she went for broke, and asked for 5! She's packing a set of humongous funbags, and is ready to get her of wood stuffed in her non- hole. So there you have it, could be the next door, or somebody's , who knows, but she sure gets her fantasy realized in a big way!

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